October 13th is Disability Awareness Sunday in the Susquehanna Conference!


Worship Resources for Disability Awareness Sunday:

Looking for creative worship ideas for how to celebrate Disability Awareness Sunday at your own church? Here is a sample order of worship for Disability Awareness Sunday! You can find more prayers and litanies here. Looking for sermon ideas? Check out this great resource! Also, please consider taking a special offering to support the work of the  Disability Ministries Committee of The United Methodist Church and donating it to The United Methodist Church Disability Ministries Committee Special Advance.

Disability Awareness Sunday fits very well with Laity Sunday. Do you have laity within your congregations with disabilities? If so, please consider inviting them to help lead worship. People with disabilities have many unique gifts and graces, just like people without disabilities. We are all unique members of the body of Christ.


About the Disability Ministry Task Force of the Susquehanna Conference:

The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church calls for each annual conference to select a specific Sunday to recognize as Disability Awareness Sunday. At Annual Conference 2018, the Susquehanna Conference decided to recognize the second Sunday in October as Disability Awareness Sunday! For more information about the Susquehanna Conference Disability Ministries Task Force, please visit our website at DisabilityUMC.org

-Rev. Rebecca L. Holland

SUSUMC Disability Ministries Task Force, Chair

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